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Alan Collett

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Alan Collett last won the day on January 12

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About Alan Collett

  • Birthday February 13

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  1. You need to do more than just complete the form ... a requirement to obtain a Certificate of Residency has been added in recent times. Note also that the way you calculate the Applicable Fund Earnings is not the same as capital gains on the disposal of assets held at the time of commencing residency. You calculate the GBP difference and translate that using the exchange rate at the date you receive the pension lump sum. See ATO Interpretative Decision 2015/7. For some light reading ... https://www.ato.gov.au/law/view/document?docid=AID/AID20157/00001 You know where I am if you need help with all of this. Best regards.
  2. Respectfully ... why are you asking this question on a forum, and are not engaging with a registered migration agent? Best regards.
  3. Have you submitted an enquiry form to us yet, Yvonne? See www.bdhtax.com
  4. Your understanding about capital gains tax is not correct. You will have UK CGT to consider given what you are contemplating. The attached tax factsheet might help in respect of Aus tax. 804-and-864-visa-applicants-holders-of-BVs-in-Australia-1.pdf
  5. Send an email to me and I'll ping details of my London based mortgage broker to you - acollett@bdhtax.com Best regards.
  6. https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/getting-a-visa/visa-listing/contributory-parent-143#About Add on the Assurance of Support Bond, plus medicals and police clearances - plus the fee of a registered migration agent (if you are appointing one). Best regards.
  7. Latest partner visa processing time update: subclass 309/100 lodged for UK based applicant client of ours on 24 June 2024. The 309 and then the 100 permanent residency visas were granted on 9 August 2024 = just under 7 weeks from lodgement to grant. Best regards.
  8. See the relevant factsheet here: https://www.bdhtax.com/individuals/tax-factsheets/parent-visa-factsheets/ Hopefully will clarify matters for you. Best regards.
  9. A BV is a temporary residency visa under the Migration Act 1958. Best regards.
  10. The last post on this thread is more than 5 years old. I recommend you pay for professional assistance regarding this matter. Best regards.
  11. In the UK you'll just get the 30% foreign tax credit for the tax paid in Australia. Remember though that the basis of calculating the taxable rental profit is different in each country. Best regards.
  12. You're across the tax position in Australia? Best regards.
  13. https://www.gm-parent-visas.com/parent-visa-grant-numbers-year-to-30-june-2024/ We have received details of the number of Australian parent visas granted during the year to 30 June 2024. Best regards.
  14. Thanks for your kind words, Linda - and for asking us to help. Sending best wishes for your future in Australia!
  15. Also: https://www.ato.gov.au/businesses-and-organisations/hiring-and-paying-your-workers/engaging-a-worker/in-detail/taxation-of-termination-payments/redundancy-and-early-retirement#ato-Workingoutandreportingthetaxfreeamount Note that it is possible not all of your redundancy payment was tax free ... Best regards.
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